Don't let the Investment Pirates get you down

With the engineered economic collapse one way to ensure that you and your family have the ability to operate your home is to minimize to use of electricity that is required for it's day to day operation. In this day and age we have the ability to convert our energy use to renewable fuels. Some people have chosen to convert their electric water heater to a solar one here in Florida where we have an abundance of Sun. Yet other countries are even making the switch because of the environmental sense it makes as well as lowering their power bill by up to 30%.
Now that all the power companies are raising rates these alternative energy products are a no-brainer as far as an economic impact that they can have on a families monthly budget. Now these companies are jumping on the band waggon to show that they "care" about us and our planet but I believe the reason is that they foresee a shortfall of power like never seen before if we continue to expand our populous without taking into account that we cannot support the draw that we have now in the future, what will we do then?
This just means that we have to find new ways to get power from our surroundings without depleting or destroying them. Many of these alternative energy sources have been bought up and hidden to further our dependency on oil, this is a crime against all humanity. If Nicola Tesla had the ability to power the world in the early 1900's then what is our excuse, oh yeah GREED!?! With everyone worried about being better than everyone else this has become a psychotic society. The only person you have to be better than is yourself!!!